Saturday, March 8, 2025

My week in the sewing room and FNwF

My aim this week was to get out the yellow scrap basket and make a start on going through finding suitable fabrics for a yellow potato chip block.

Then it was onto finishing off 5 pot holders for my stall next week that have been sitting in the production line during the week.

During the week I also finished off a pink beanie that had been ordered.

And  packed up 3 hot packs that had been sewn and filled previously.

When joining in with the rest of the FNwF crafters last night the time was spent getting ready  for my stall next week - items packed, float organised - yes cash is essential - and price list printed.      It is a very big community event so hopefully this weather system north of us behaves itself, moves away and does not come down any further south.   In the meantime our thoughts are with those who are in the path of such destruction.  

Back soon  and in the meantime

Happy sewing all 

Saturday, February 22, 2025


The sewing room has been a hive of activity during the past couple of weeks as bowl cosies have been on the agenda.   The first order for five with floral fabrics was completed along with the next order for 6 with assorted fabrics and the remainder left me with a bakers' dozen - 13 - for my stall next month.  The last ones came off the machine yesterday afternoon while joining in early with FNSI.

The sewing machine has been cleaned out after all that fluff from the wadding and the sewing tables washed down along with my sewing chair which seemed to attract the most fluff.

A large parcel of fabric was sent to me by a very good friend earlier in the week and as you can see a couple of the fabrics were used for the bowl cosies.

I did take time out during the week to meet up with a couple of friends for lunch which comprised of lobster with shallots and ginger.  My other two dining companions also ordered the same dish  and we were all of the same opinion - delicious.   

A few beanies have been hanging around the sewing table waiting for their pom poms to be made and sewn on which happened whilst watching tv last night.  They are now packed up ready for the hospital stall on Saturday of next week.  

The multi-coloured pink one in the front has been spoken for with the purchaser also requesting another all over pink one to fit a 3 year old.  

A check of my giftie/stall box reveals that a few pot holders need to be made.   Fabrics have been chosen and the next step is to cut them out.  

Some new reading material was added to the pile during the week.   The top book is this month's book club book.   It is by the same author as last month's book but I believe it is a totally different by all accounts as reported by one of the members who has previously read it.   

I have already started The Dictionary of Lost Words and thoroughly enjoying it.  

That about wraps up my week - time to start the day.   

Back soon and in the meantime

Happy sewing all

Friday, February 14, 2025

Feeling Blue

Blue was the chosen RSC colour for February.   A blue potato chip block was created from the scraps in the blue scrap basket

6 blue library bags were cut, overlocked and the drawstring channels sewn.   They get passed onto another person who threads the cord through.

A blue beanie was started

Two small quilts were finished off.   One all over blue

And the second has quite a lot of blue in it to qualify.

And the first bowl cosy to come off my "production line" is blue.

There is still another 2 weeks of the month left so some more "blue" may happen but for now my main focus is the complete the production line of bowl cosies.  An order for another 6 came in this week so I had better get cracking.

Linking with So scrappy
                      The Joyful Quilter 

Back soon and in the meantime

Happy sewing all

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Ready, cut, sew

When joining in with FNwF an early start was made as my mission was to cut out the required fabrics and wadding for 20 bowl cosies  -  5 were for an order that came in last week and the remainder will be for my stall next month.

Mission accomplished now to sew them up.  

I joined my parents for a birthday morning tea during the week.   Their birthdays are one day apart. 

Over the course of many of my previous blog posts some of the items that I have sewn for our local hospital auxiliary stall have been shown so I thought that some of you might be interested to see a photo of myself with a few of the other volunteers - we do the set up and morning shift up to midday - taken at our stall last Saturday.  I am the tallest of the group.

On Tuesday at the first Auxiliary meeting of this year we were presented with a Certificate of Merit for raising in excess of $50,000 this financial year.

Time to head off to start the day with shopping and then attending my quilting group after lunch.

Back soon and in the meantime

Happy sewing all

Saturday, February 1, 2025

This week in the sewing room

Was all about finishing off the last order for 6 bowl cosies

Blue is the colour for February.   The blue scrap basket has been pulled and needs to be sorted 

I had a phone call during the week asking if I would be interested in taking a stall on the Open Day in March that will be held in our complex in conjunction with Seniors Week.   My next task is to do a stocktake of what is in the giftie/stall box.   Bowl cosies will definitely be on the list.

Back soon and in the meantime

Happy sewing all 

Friday, January 24, 2025

In the pink

This month the RSC challenge is all about pink so in keeping with that pink fabric scraps have been pulled, cut and sew together into a potato chip block.   I did make a small design change in that instead of using all 2 1/2" x 4 1/2" pieces I cut the middle block as a 4 1/2" square just to give the block a focus point.

Pieces were cut and added so that it ended up being 16 1/2" finished and it will take 4 of these to make one of the small charity quilts.   

An all over pink fabric was used to make this small quilt

My quilting group was offered a lot of homespun fabric last year which gave me the  ideal opportunity to take some to use when making library bags for Network Heaven. These were the pink fabrics that were given to Miss M during her stay a couple of weeks ago that she ripped into the required size.   The over locker was busy during the week.   There are 12 bags in various shades of pink in the photo below.      

The cloud formation the other morning cast a pink glow over everything. 

A couple of pink/ish beanies were finished off during the week as well as another started.

3 pink bibs were also made from left over scraps.

Hubs and I celebrated our 52nd wedding anniversary during the week.    We did go out for lunch....the venue was disappointing but the food was delicious.    To finish off the day we enjoyed a bottle of bubbles with some nibbles.

A bit more reading matter.

The stack of 12 bowl cosies were finished off last weekend and delivered.  

As a consequence an order for 6 came in from another neighbour who just happen to see them. Fabrics chosen and ready to start the production line again.  

I look forward to seeing what the colour for February is.

Linking with So Scrappy
                     Quilting is more fun than housework
                     Joyful Quilter - Table scraps

Back soon and in the meantime

Happy sewing all

Saturday, January 18, 2025

First FNSI for 2025

Happened last night but for me it was an early start yesterday afternoon as my mission was to clip, turn and pin closed the opening through which the bowl cosies were turned inside out ready to top sew.  This last step in the production line will happen at some point over the weekend.  They can then be declared a finish and delivered.  

This audio book was keeping me company while all this was happening.  

Don't forget to go here to see what others were creating last night when joining in.

Back soon and in the meantime

Happy sewing all